Darstein et al., 2022
Pilotstudie zur arbeitsmedizinischen Online- Vorsorge bei Tätigkeiten an Bildschirmgeräten.
arbeitsmedizinische Beratung bei Tätigkeiten an Bildschirmgeräten via Online-Videosprechstunde praktikabel
Schenke et al., 2020
Marktrecherche zu deutschsprachigen internetgestützten Anwendungen zur Umsetzung von organisatorischen Regelungen des betrieblichen Arbeitsschutzes.
Voraussetzungen: Vor-Ort-Kenntnis betrieblicher Arbeitsbedingungen, digitale Kompetenz, Verknüpfung mit betriebsinterner Software
Zapata et al., 2021
Remote screening of retinal and optic disc diseases using handheld nonmydriatic cameras in programmed routine occupational health checkups onsite at work centers
Volker et al., 2015
Effectiveness of a blended web-based intervention on return to work for sick-listed employees with common mental disorders: results of a cluster randomized controlled trial
Baumeister et al., 2009
Prevention of work-related skin diseases: teledermatology as an alternative approach in occupational screenings
findings show a tendency in tele-examination to assess the skin condition more critically
Sagaro et al., 2021
Telemedicine for Pre-Employment Medical Examinations and Follow-Up Visits on Board Ships: A Narrative Review on the Feasibility
using new technologies such as high-speed internet, video conferencing, and digital examination, personnel are able to make the necessary tests and perform virtual medical examination on board ships with necessary training
Carr & Kevitt, 2023
Service user satisfaction with telemedicine in an occupational healthcare setting
Service user satisfaction with telephone review was found to be high
telephone review resulted in saving of both commuting time for the healthcare worker, reduced time away from the workplace, as well as having a positive environmental impact
Steel et al., 2022
Short-term effectiveness of face-to-face periodic occupational health screening versus electronic screening with targeted follow-up: results from a quasi-randomized controlled trial in four Belgian hospitals
After 19 months no significant differences between face-to-face and electronically screened employees screened